Howard A. Rosenblum

Howard A. Rosenblum is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of the Deaf (NAD). In this capacity, he oversees the operations of the NAD to carry out its mission of preserving, protecting, and promoting the civil, human, and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States. He also serves as the Legal Director overseeing the staff lawyers as well as policy advocacy and litigation work within the NAD Law and Advocacy Center. Rosenblum brings with him twenty-eight years of experience as a disability rights attorney including, nine years at the NAD, nine years as a Senior Attorney at Equip for Equality, a nonprofit organization designated as Illinois’ Protection and Advocacy entity, and ten years before that with a private law firm. He is the primary author of the American Bar Association Guidelines on Court Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and the sixth edition of the NAD Legal Rights: Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. He oversaw national impact litigation which led to landmark settlements for full captioning access to web video content. Rosenblum received his law degree from IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law and his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona.