Sachin Dev Pavithran

Sachin Dev Pavithran is the Program Director of the Utah Assistive Technology Program and the Director of Policy for the Center for Persons with Disabilities. He provides technical assistance on accessible information technology and assists in the evaluation of products related to web accessibility and design. He has over twenty years of experience in development and testing of assistive technology. Pavithran lectures and trains extensively on accessibility and assistive technology. He is President of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities’ national board and served on the National Federation of the Blind’s Research and Development Committee and on the board of the Assistive Technology Act Programs. He was appointed to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Utah Advisory Committee and the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission’s Board of Advisors. Pavithran earned bachelor’s degrees in Business Information Systems and in Marketing from Utah State University, a master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, and a PhD in Disability Disciplines with an emphasis on disability policy.