V801 General
V801.1 Scope
The provisions of Chapter 8 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.
V802 Wheelchair Spaces, Companion Seats, and Designated Aisle Seats
V802.1 Wheelchair Spaces
Wheelchair spaces shall comply with V802.1.
Where ferries permitted to carry 150 or fewer passengers provide only one transportation seating area that is less than 100 square feet (9.29 m²), wheelchair spaces shall not be required to comply with V802.1.4 and V802.1.5.
V802.1.1 Deck Surface
The deck surface of wheelchair spaces shall comply with V302.Changes in level are not permitted.
Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.
V802.1.2 Width
A single wheelchair space shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.Where two adjacent wheelchair spaces are provided, each wheelchair space shall be 33 inches (840 mm) wide minimum.

V802.1.3 Depth
Where a wheelchair space can be entered from the front or rear, the wheelchair space shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) deep minimum.Where a wheelchair space can be entered only from the side, the wheelchair space shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum.

V802.1.4 Approach
Wheelchair spaces shall adjoin accessible routes.Accessible routes shall not overlap wheelchair spaces.
Advisory V802.1.4 Approach Because accessible routes serving wheelchair spaces are not permitted to overlap the footprint of wheelchair spaces, access to any wheelchair space cannot be through another wheelchair space.
V802.1.5 Overlap
Wheelchair spaces shall not overlap accessible means of escape required by this document, and means of escape required by the administrative authority.
Advisory V802.1.5 Overlap V802.1.5 seeks to ensure wheelchair spaces do not project into and block (but may adjoin) the minimum clear width of accessible means of escape required by V207, and other means of escape required by the administrative authority which generally provide emergency evacuation paths for use by passengers and crew.
V802.1.6 Tables and Counters
Where wheelchair spaces are provided at tables or counters, the tables and counters shall comply with V902.The knee and toe clearance required by V902.2 shall extend the width of the wheelchair space.
V802.2 Lines of Sight
Lines of sight to the screen, or performance area, for spectators in wheelchair spaces shall comply with V802.2.
V802.2.1 Lines of Sight Over Seated Spectators
Where spectators are expected to remain seated during events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with V802.2.1.
V802.2.1.1 Lines of Sight Over Heads
Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.

V802.2.1.2 Lines of Sight Between Heads
Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.

V802.2.2 Lines of Sight Over Standing Spectators
Where spectators are expected to stand during events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with V802.2.2.
V802.2.2.1 Lines of Sight Over Heads.Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over the heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.

V802.2.2.2 Lines of Sight Between Heads.Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.

V802.3 Companion Seats
Companion seats shall comply with V802.3.
V802.3.1 Alignment
Companion seats shall be located to provide shoulder alignment with adjacent wheelchair spaces.The shoulder alignment point of the wheelchair space shall be measured 36 inches (915 mm) from the front of the wheelchair space.The deck surface of the companion seat shall be at the same elevation as the deck surface of the wheelchair space.
- Where seats in the assembly area are not arranged to provide lines of sight to fixed screens or performance areas, companion seats shall not be required to provide shoulder alignment with adjacent wheelchair spaces.
- Companion seats at tables and counters shall not be required to provide shoulder alignment with adjacent wheelchair spaces.
V802.3.2 Type
Companion seats shall be equivalent in size, quality, comfort, and amenities to the seating in the immediate area.Companion seats shall be permitted to be movable.
V802.4 Designated Aisle Seats
Designated aisle seats shall comply with V802.4.
V802.4.1 Armrests
Where armrests are provided on the seating in the immediate area, folding or retractable armrests shall be provided on the aisle side of the seat.
V802.4.2 Identification
Each designated aisle seat shall be identified by a sign or marker.
Advisory V802.4.2 Identification Seats with folding or retractable armrests are intended for use by individuals who have difficulty walking.Consider identifying such seats with signs that contrast (light-on-dark or dark-on-light) and that are also photo luminescent.
V803 Dressing, Fitting, and Locker Rooms
V803.1 General
Dressing, fitting, and locker rooms shall comply with V803.
Advisory V803.1 General Partitions and doors should be designed to ensure that people using accessible dressing and fitting rooms have privacy equivalent to that afforded other users of the facility.Section V903.5 requires dressing room bench seats to be installed so that they are at the same height as a typical wheelchair seat, 17 inches (430 mm) to 19 inches (485 mm).However, wheelchair seats can be lower than dressing room benches for people of short stature or children using wheelchairs.
V803.2 Turning Space
Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the room.
V803.3 Door Swing
Doors shall not swing into the room unless a clear deck space complying with V305.3 is provided, beyond the arc of the door swing.
V803.4 Benches
A bench complying with V903 shall be provided within the room.
V803.5 Coat Hooks and Shelves
Coat hooks provided within the room shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308.Shelves shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.
V804 Galleys and Pantries
V804.1 General
Galleys and pantries shall comply with V804.
V804.2 Clearance
Where a pass through galley is provided, clearances shall comply with V804.2.1.Where a U-shaped galley is provided, clearances shall comply with V804.2.2.
Spaces that do not provide a cooktop or conventional range shall not be required to comply with V804.2.
Advisory V804.2 Clearance Clearances are measured from the furthest projecting face of all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls, excluding hardware.
V804.2.1 Pass Through Galleys
In pass through galleys where counters, appliances, or cabinets are on two opposing sides, or where counters, appliances, or cabinets are opposite a parallel wall, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within galley work areas shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum.Pass through galleys shall have two entries.

V804.2.2 U-Shaped Galleys
In U-shaped galleys enclosed on three contiguous sides, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within galley work areas shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.

V804.3 Sinks
Sinks shall comply with V606.
V804.4 Storage
At least 50 percent of shelf space in storage facilities shall comply with V807.
V804.5 Appliances
Where provided, galley appliances shall comply with V804.5.
V804.5.1 Clear Deck Space
A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided at each galley appliance.Clear deck spaces shall be permitted to overlap.
V804.5.2 Operable Parts
All appliance controls shall comply with V309.
- Appliance doors and door latching devices shall not be required to comply with V309.4.
- Bottom-hinged appliance doors, when in the open position, shall not be required to comply with V309.3.
V804.5.3 Dishwasher
Clear deck space shall be positioned adjacent to the dishwasher door.The dishwasher door, in the open position, shall not obstruct the clear deck space for the dishwasher or the sink.
V804.5.4 Range or Cooktop
Where a forward approach is provided, the clear deck space shall provide knee and toe clearance complying with V306.Where knee and toe space is provided, the underside of the range or cooktop shall be insulated or otherwise configured to prevent burns, abrasions, or electrical shock.The location of controls shall not require reaching across burners.
V804.5.5 Oven
Ovens shall have controls on front panels.
V804.5.6 Refrigerator/Freezer
Combination refrigerators and freezers shall have at least 50 percent of the freezer space 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.The clear deck space shall be positioned for a parallel approach to the space dedicated to a refrigerator/freezer with the centerline of the clear deck space offset 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the centerline of the dedicated space.
V805 Medical Care Facilities
V805.1 General
Medical care facility patient sleeping rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V805.
V805.2 Turning Space
Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the room.
V805.3 Clear Deck Space
A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided on each side of the bed.The clear deck space shall be positioned for a parallel approach to the side of the bed.
V805.4 Toilet and Bathing Rooms
Toilet and bathing rooms that are provided as part of a patient sleeping room shall comply with V603.Where provided, no fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower shall comply with the applicable requirements of V603 through V610.
V806 Passenger Guest Rooms
V806.1 General
Guest rooms shall comply with V806.Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V806.2.Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with V806.3.
V806.2 Guest Rooms with Mobility Features
Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V806.2.
Advisory V806.2 Guest Rooms The requirements in Section V806.2 do not include requirements that are common to all accessible spaces.For example, closets in guest rooms must comply with the applicable provisions for storage specified in scoping.
V806.2.1 Living and Dining Areas
Living and dining areas shall be accessible.
V806.2.2 Exterior Spaces
Exterior spaces, including patios, terraces and balconies that serve the guest room shall be accessible.
V806.2.3 Sleeping Areas
At least one sleeping area shall be accessible and shall provide a clear deck space complying with V305 on both sides of a bed.The clear deck space shall be positioned for parallel approach to the side of the bed.
Where a single clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for parallel approach is provided between two beds, a clear deck space shall not be required on both sides of a bed.
V806.2.4 Toilet and Bathing Facilities
At least one bathroom that is provided as part of a guest room shall comply with V603.No fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower shall comply with applicable requirements of V603 through V610.In addition, required roll-in shower compartments shall comply with V608.2.2 or V608.2.3.Toilet and bathing fixtures required to comply with V603 through V610 shall be permitted to be located in more than one toilet or bathing area, if travel between fixtures does not require travel between other parts of the guest room.
V806.2.4.1 Vanity Counter Top Space
If vanity counter top space is provided in non-accessible guest toilet or bathing rooms, comparable vanity counter top space in terms of size and proximity to the lavatory, shall also be provided in accessible guest toilet or bathing rooms.
Shelving shall be permitted to be used to provide the comparable counter top space.
Advisory V806.2.4.1 Vanity Counter Top Space This provision is intended to ensure that guest rooms subject to V806.2 are provided with comparable vanity counter top space.
V806.2.5 Galleys and Pantries
Galleys and pantries shall comply with V804.
V806.2.6 Turning Space
Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the guest room.
V806.2.7 Doors to Adjacent Guest Rooms
Where provided, doors that connect adjacent guest rooms shall comply with V404.
Where the adjacent guest room is not required to comply with V806.2, the side of the door in the adjacent guest room shall not be required to comply with V404.2.4.
V806.2.8 Windows
Where glass and other glazed openings are provided for operation by passengers, at least one opening shall comply with V309.
V806.3 Guest Rooms with Communication Features
Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with V806.3.
V806.3.1 General Emergency Alarm
Where general emergency alarms are provided in passenger vessels, visible notification appliances complying with V806.3.3 shall be provided in the guest rooms to alert passengers of the general emergency alarms.The visible notification appliances shall not be used for any other purpose.
V806.3.2 Smoke Alarm
Where smoke alarms are provided in guest rooms, visible notification appliances complying with V806.3.3 shall be provided in the guest rooms to alert passengers of smoke alarms.Such visible notification appliances shall not be used for any other purpose.
V806.3.3 Visible Notification Appliances
Visible notification appliances shall comply with V806.3.3.
In alterations, existing passenger vessels shall not be required to comply with V806.3.3 unless an existing alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new alarm system is installed.
V806.3.3.1 U.S. Flag Passenger Vessels
U.S. flag passenger vessels shall provide visible notification appliances complying with applicable sections in 18.5 of NFPA 72 (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).
V806.3.3.2 General Alarm Activation
Visible notification appliances provided in guest rooms for the general emergency alarm systems shall be activated upon activation of the passenger vessel general emergency alarm.
V806.3.3.3 Smoke Detector Activation
Visible notification appliances provided in guest rooms for smoke detectors shall be activated upon activation of the smoke detectors.
V806.3.4 Visible Devices
Visible devices shall be provided to alert room occupants of incoming telephone calls and a door knock or bell.Visible devices shall not be connected to visible notification appliances required by V806.3.1 and V806.3.2.Telephones shall have volume controls compatible with the telephone system and shall comply with V704.3.Telephones shall be served by an electrical outlet complying with V309 located within 48 inches (1220 mm) of the telephone to facilitate the use of a TTY.
V807 Storage
V807.1 General
Storage shall comply with V807.
V807.2 Clear Deck Space
A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided.
V807.3 Height
Storage elements shall comply with at least one of the reach ranges specified in V308.
V807.4 Operable Parts
Operable parts shall comply with V309.