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Indoor Environmental Quality

Special Acknowledgement

The Committee extends a generous thank you to Sharon Toji, Access Communications, for designing the Cleaner Air Symbol and making it available for public use.


  1. California Access Compliance Reference Manual, Division of the State Architecture, Chapter 11B Part 2 Title 24, California Code of Regulations 110 November 1, 2002.
  2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee A117, Committee on Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
  3. LEED™ Green Building Rating System for New Construction & Major Renovation, (LEED-NC), Version 2.1, US Green Building Council, pages 68 and 69.
    LEED Controllability of Systems:
    6.1 Provide at least an average of one operable window and one lighting control zone per 200 SF for all regularly occupied areas within 15 feet of the perimeter wall.
    6.2 Provide controls for each individual for airflow, temperature and lighting for at least 50% of the non-perimeter, regularly occupied areas.

Resources for Access and Accommodations

Lamielle, M, Creating an Accessible Indoor Environment, Fact Sheet, National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, 2004.

Lamielle, M. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and the Workplace, National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, 2004.

Temple, T., Healthier Hospitals, Ohio Network for the Chemically Injured, 1996.

Miller, CS, Ashford, NA, Multiple Chemical Intolerance and Indoor Air Quality. In Indoor Air Quality Handbook, Spengler, J, Samet J and McCarthy J, Eds., New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2000.

Job Accommodations Network, a free service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor

University of Minnesota, Disability Services, Internal Guidelines Regarding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness (MCS/EI)

The Evergreen State College, policy on air quality



Chair—Michael Mankin, Division of the California State Architect
Libby Kelly, Council on Wireless Technology Impacts
Mary Lamielle, National Center for Environmental Health Strategies
Ann McCampbell, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Task Force of New Mexico
Susan Molloy, National Coalition for the Chemically Injured
Toni Temple, Ohio Network for the Chemically Injured


Mark Jackson, Lennox Industries, Inc.
R. Bruce McCreary, Snowflake, AZ


Dora McGregor, Salt Lake City, UT