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Interfacing Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) with Traffic Signal Control Equipment


The primary objective of this research was to provide detailed accessible pedestrian signal (APS) product information specifically focused on the interfacing of APS devices and traffic signal controllers. Information on the various traffic signal controllers used today is also provided. The information is intended for traffic engineers, traffic signal technicians, and others who are implementing APS technologies.

This report addresses the following information:

  • United States and foreign APS technologies, including those that provide mapping, speech, and location features for blind pedestrians;
  • Traffic signal controller/APS interfaces, including wiring and ower requirements and interaction with conflict monitoring technology;
  • Lessons learned from existing installations; and
  • United States traffic signal controller technologies.

Contact information for APS and traffic signal controller manufacturers is provided. Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Access Board. The authors would like to thank Joseph Herr, VHB; Billie Louise Bentzen, Accessible Design for the Blind; Paul Vetter, Edwards and Kelcey; and David Grilley, City of Portland, OR for providing information used in this report and for their thorough, thoughtful, and timely review of the draft manuscript. Their comments and suggestions led to many important improvements in content and description.