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Audience watching presentation

The Access Board provides training on its accessibility guidelines and standards to various organizations and groups across the country.  Most training sessions focus on the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) which cover the built environment and transportation vehicles.  ADAAG training also addresses new or upcoming sections, such as those covering children’s environments, play areas, state and local government facilities, and recreation facilities. In addition to ADAAG, training is available on design requirements for Federal facilities, telecommunications equipment, and electronic and information technology.

The Board tailors its training to the particular needs and interests of each audience.  Board training is of particular interest to design professionals and architects, facility operators and managers, the transportation industry, the disability community, and members of other professions and groups that work with any of the Board’s guidelines and standards.  Board staff often reserve time for question-and-answer sessions at training events.  This kind of interaction is particularly helpful in gauging the information needs of the Board’s various audiences.

Most training sessions are held at the request of, or in partnership with, organizations or groups holding conferences and seminars that include accessibility or the ADA on the agenda.  Due to budget constraints, the Board usually requests reimbursement of travel costs for its participation.  The Board likes to arrange additional training opportunities once it is scheduled to be in a particular area.  We also have a conference space which is sometimes used for trainings.

Board policy requires that the events it participates in be conducted in accessible facilities and be communicated, upon request, in accessible formats.

For more information or to request training from the Board, contact Bill Botten, the Board’s Training Coordinator, at, 202-272-0014 (voice) or 202-272-0073 (TTY).