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The Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) rulemaking has concluded. The PROWAG final rule has been published in the Federal Register. Please visit the Access Board’s PROWAG page for the guidelines.

About the U.S. Access Board

Affirmative Action Plan for the Recruitment, Hiring, Advancement, and Retention of Persons with Disabilities

To capture agencies’ affirmative action plan for persons with disabilities (PWD) and persons with targeted disabilities (PWTD), EEOC regulations (29 C.F.R. § 1614.203(e)) and MD-715 require agencies to describe how their affirmative action plan will improve the recruitment, hiring, advancement, and retention of applicants and employees with disabilities.

Section I: Efforts to Reach Regulatory Goals

EEOC regulations (29 CFR §1614.203(d)(7)) require agencies to establish specific numerical goals for increasing the participation of persons with disabilities and persons with targeted disabilities in the federal government.

1. Using the goal of 12% as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWD by grade level cluster in the permanent workforce? If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.

a. Cluster GS-1 to GS-10 (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Cluster GS-11 to SES (PWD)

Answer: No

* For GS employees, please use two clusters: GS-1 to GS-10 and GS-11 to SES, as set forth in 29 C.F.R. § 1614.203(d)(7). For all other pay plans, please use the approximate grade clusters that are above or below GS-11 Step 1 in the Washington, DC metropolitan region.

2. Using the goal of 2% as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWTD by grade level cluster in the permanent workforce? If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.

a. Cluster GS-1 to GS-10 (PWTD)

Answer: Yes

b. Cluster GS-11 to SES (PWTD)

Answer: No

Currently, the Access Board is at 0% for the GS-1 to GS-10 cluster.

Grade Level Cluster
(GS or Alternate Pay Plan b)
Total Reportable Disability Targeted Disability
# # % # %
Numerical Goal -- 12% 2%
  Grades GS-11 to SES 25 12 48.00 7 28.00
  Grades GS-1 to GS-10 2 0 0.00 0 0.00
3. Describe how the agency has communicated the numerical goals to the hiring managers and/or recruiters.

This information was shared and discussed during leadership meetings.

Section II: Model Disability Program

Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1614.203(d)(1), agencies must ensure sufficient staff, training and resources to recruit and hire persons with disabilities and persons with targeted disabilities, administer the reasonable accommodation program and special emphasis program, and oversee any other disability hiring and advancement program the agency has in place.

A. Plan to provide sufficient & competent staffing for the disability program

1. Has the agency designated sufficient qualified personnel to implement its disability program during the reporting period?  If “no”, describe the agency’s plan to improve the staffing for the upcoming year.

Answer: Yes


2. Identify all staff responsible for implementing the agency’s disability employment program by the office, staff employment status, and responsible official.
Disability Program Task # of FTE Staff By Employment Status Responsible Official (Name, Title, Office Email)
Full Time Part Time Collateral Duty
Processing applications from PWD and PWTD 2 0 0 India Thomas, Director of Administration
Answering questions from the public about hiring authorities that take disability into account 2 0 0 India Thomas, Director of Administration
Processing reasonable accommodation requests from applicants and employees 2 0 0 India Thomas, Director of Administration
Section 508 Compliance 2 0 0 Alison Levy, Director OTIS
Architectural Barriers Act Compliance 2 0 0 Christopher Kuczynski, OGC
Special Emphasis Program for PWD and PWTD 1 0 0 Drucilla Gordon, Chief of Staff / EEO Dir
3. Has the agency provided disability program staff with sufficient training to carry out their responsibilities during the reporting period?  If “yes”, describe the training that disability program staff have received. If “no”, describe the training planned for the upcoming year.

Answer: Yes

The EEO Director will research and schedule disability training for the Access Board team.

B. Plan to ensure sufficient funding for the disability program

Has the agency provided sufficient funding and other resources to successfully implement the disability program during the reporting period? If “no”, describe the agency’s plan to ensure all aspects of the disability program have sufficient funding and other resources.

Answer: Yes

The EEO Director has initiated discussions with the Access Board regarding the need for funding for disability training and the related programs.

Section III: Program Deficiencies In The Disability Program

Brief Description of Program Deficiency D.1.c. Does the agency conduct exit interviews or surveys that include questions on how the agency could improve the recruitment, hiring, inclusion, retention and advancement of individuals with disabilities? [see 29 CFR §1614.203(d)(1) (iii)(C)]
Objective Update the Access Board Exit Clearance process, and ensure it's utilized.
Target Date Oct 1, 2024  
Completion Date    
Planned Activities Target Date   Completion Date   Planned Activity  
Accomplishments Fiscal Year   Accomplishment    

Section IV: Plan to Recruit and Hire Individuals with Disabilities

Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. §1614.203(d)(1)(i) and (ii), agencies must establish a plan to increase the recruitment and hiring of individuals with disabilities. The questions below are designed to identify outcomes of the agency’s recruitment program plan for PWD and PWTD.

A. Plan to Identify Job Applications with Disabilities

1. Describe the programs and resources the agency uses to identify job applicants with disabilities, including individuals with targeted disabilities.

The Access Board, in conjunction with the HR service provider maintain a list of Schedule A qualified applicants. In addition the Access Board uses the talent portal of USA Staffing to identify applicants.

2. Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. §1614.203(a)(3), describe the agency’s use of hiring authorities that take disability into account (e.g., Schedule A) to recruit PWD and PWTD for positions in the permanent workforce.

The Access Board utilized Schedule A hiring authority to recruit recruit PWD and PWTD for positions in the permanent workforce.

3. When individuals apply for a position under a hiring authority that takes disability into account (e.g., Schedule A), explain how the agency (1) determines if the individual is eligible for appointment under such authority; and, (2) forwards the individual’s application to the relevant hiring officials with an explanation of how and when the individual may be appointed.

The Director of Administration requests medical certification from the applicant, along with a resume and along with a brief explanation of what is required under the Schedule A hiring process and timeline.

4. Has the agency provided training to all hiring managers on the use of hiring authorities that take disability into account (e.g., Schedule A)?  If “yes”, describe the type(s) of training and frequency.  If “no”, describe the agency’s plan to provide this training.

Answer: Yes

This is training conducted annually during the monthly leadership meeting.

B. Plan to Establish Contacts with Disability Employment Organizations

Describe the agency’s efforts to establish and maintain contacts with organizations that assist PWD, including PWTD, in securing and maintaining employment.

The agency plans to identify and establish contacts with organizations that assist PWD, including PWTD, in securing and maintaining employment.

C. Progression Towards Goals (Recruitment and Hiring)

1. Using the goals of 12% for PWD and 2% for PWTD as the benchmarks, do triggers exist for PWD and/or PWTD among the new hires in the permanent workforce?  If “yes”, please describe the triggers below.

a. New Hires for Permanent Workforce (PWD)

Answer: No

b. New Hires for Permanent Workforce (PWTD)

Answer: No


New Hires Total (#) Reportable Disability Targeted Disability
Permanent Workforce (%) Temporary Workforce (%) Permanent Workforce (%) Temporary Workforce (%)
% of Total Applicants          
% of Qualified Applicants          
% of New Hires          
2. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, do triggers exist for PWD and/or PWTD among the new hires for any of the mission- critical occupations (MCO)?  If “yes”, please describe the triggers below.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. New Hires for MCO (PWD)

Answer: N/A

b. New Hires for MCO (PWTD)

Answer: N/A


New Hires to Mission-Critical Occupations Total
Reportable Disability Targetable Disability
New Hires (#) New Hires (%)
Numerical Goal -- 12% 2%
3. Using the relevant applicant pool as the benchmark, do triggers exist for PWD and/or PWTD among the qualified internal applicants for any of the mission-critical occupations (MCO)?  If “yes”, please describe the triggers below.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Qualified Applicants for MCO (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Qualified Applicants for MCO (PWTD)

Answer: No


4. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, do triggers exist for PWD and/or PWTD among employees promoted to any of the mission-critical occupations (MCO)?  If “yes”, please describe the triggers below. Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Promotions for MCO (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Promotions for MCO (PWTD)

Answer: No


Section V: Plan to Ensure Advancement Opportunities for Employees with Disabilities

Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. §1614.203(d)(1)(iii), agencies are required to provide sufficient advancement opportunities for employees with disabilities. Such activities might include specialized training and mentoring programs, career development opportunities, awards programs, promotions, and similar programs that address advancement. In this section, agencies should identify, and provide data on programs designed to ensure advancement opportunities for employees with disabilities.

A. Advancement Program Plan

Describe the agency’s plan to ensure PWD, including PWTD, have sufficient opportunities for advancement.

All opportunities at the Access Board are open to Schedule A applicants. In addition, the Access Board accepts resumes from any Schedule A applicants and maintains a roster of qualified employees.

B. Career Development Opportunites

1. Please describe the career development opportunities that the agency provides to its employees.

Developmental details are opened to employees. All job vacancies are advertised internally whenever possible.

2. In the table below, please provide the data for career development opportunities that require competition and/or supervisory recommendation / approval to participate.
Career Development Opportunities Total Participants PWD PWTD
Applicants (#) Selectees (#) Applicants (%) Selectees (%) Applicants (%) Selectees (%)
Internship Programs            
Fellowship Programs            
Mentoring Programs            
Coaching Programs            
Training Programs            
Other Career Development Programs            
Detail Programs 1 1 0 0 100 100
3. Do triggers exist for PWD among the applicants and/or selectees for any of the career development programs? (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for the applicants and the applicant pool for selectees.)  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

4. Do triggers exist for PWTD among the applicants and/or selectees for any of the career development programs? (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for the applicants and the applicant pool for selectees.)  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

b. Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No


C. Awards

1. Using the inclusion rate as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWD and/or PWTD for any level of the time-off awards, bonuses, or other incentives? If “yes”, please describe the trigger(s) in the text box.

a. Awards, Bonuses, & Incentives (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Awards, Bonuses, & Incentives (PWTD)

Answer: No


Time-Off Awards Total (#) Reportable Disability % Without Reportable Disability % Targeted Disability % Without Targeted Disability %
Time-Off Awards 1 - 10 hours: Awards Given 3 8.33 15.38 14.29 0.00
Time-Off Awards 1 - 10 Hours: Total Hours 24 66.67 123.08 114.29 0.00
Time-Off Awards 1 - 10 Hours: Average Hours 8 66.67 61.54 114.29 0.00
Time-Off Awards 11 - 20 hours: Awards Given 6 33.33 15.38 28.57 40.00
Time-Off Awards 11 - 20 Hours: Total Hours 96 533.33 246.15 457.14 640.00
Time-Off Awards 11 - 20 Hours: Average Hours 16 133.33 123.08 228.57 0.00
Time-Off Awards 21 - 30 hours: Awards Given 1 0.00 7.69 0.00 0.00
Time-Off Awards 21 - 30 Hours: Total Hours 24 0.00 184.62 0.00 0.00
Time-Off Awards 21 - 30 Hours: Average Hours 24 0.00 184.62 0.00 0.00
Time-Off Awards 31 - 40 hours: Awards Given 1 8.33 0.00 14.29 0.00
Time-Off Awards 31 - 40 Hours: Total Hours 40 333.33 0.00 571.43 0.00
Time-Off Awards 31 - 40 Hours: Average Hours 40 333.33 0.00 571.43 0.00
Time-Off Awards 41 or more Hours: Awards Given 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time-Off Awards 41 or more Hours: Total Hours 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time-Off Awards 41 or more Hours: Average Hours 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards Total (#) Reportable Disability % Without Reportable Disability % Targeted Disability % Without Targeted Disability %
Cash Awards: $501 - $999: Awards Given 1 0.00 7.69 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $501 - $999: Total Amount 731 0.00 5623.08 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $501 - $999: Average Amount 731 0.00 5623.08 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $1000 - $1999: Awards Given 3 8.33 15.38 0.00 20.00
Cash Awards: $1000 - $1999: Total Amount 4312 13533.33 20676.92 0.00 32480.00
Cash Awards: $1000 - $1999: Average Amount 1437 13533.33 10338.46 0.00 32480.00
Cash Awards: $2000 - $2999: Awards Given 2 0.00 15.38 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $2000 - $2999: Total Amount 4574 0.00 35184.62 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $2000 - $2999: Average Amount 2287 0.00 17592.31 0.00 0.00
Cash Awards: $3000 - $3999: Awards Given 2 8.33 7.69 0.00 20.00
Cash Awards: $3000 - $3999: Total Amount 6771 28675.00 25615.38 0.00 68820.00
Cash Awards: $3000 - $3999: Average Amount 3385 28675.00 25615.38 0.00 68820.00
Cash Awards: $4000 - $4999: Awards Given 3 25.00 0.00 42.86 0.00
Cash Awards: $4000 - $4999: Total Amount 13450 112083.33 0.00 192142.86 0.00
Cash Awards: $4000 - $4999: Average Amount 4483 37358.33 0.00 64042.86 0.00
Cash Awards: $5000 or more: Awards Given 14 58.33 46.15 71.43 40.00
Cash Awards: $5000 or more: Total Amount 159630 808166.67 418161.54 1152228.57 326480.00
Cash Awards: $5000 or more: Average Amount 11402 115450.00 69692.31 230442.86 -45540.00
2. Using the inclusion rate as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWD and/or PWTD for quality step increases or performance- based pay increases? If “yes”, please describe the trigger(s) in the text box.

a. Pay Increases (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Pay Increases (PWTD)

Answer No


Other Awards Total (#) Reportable Disability % Without Reportable Disability % Targeted Disability % Without Targeted Disability %
3. If the agency has other types of employee recognition programs, are PWD and/or PWTD recognized disproportionately less than employees without disabilities?  (The appropriate benchmark is the inclusion rate.)  If “yes”, describe the employee recognition program and relevant data in the text box.

a. Other Types of Recognition (PWD)

Answer: N/A

b. Other Types of Recognition (PWTD)

Answer: N/A


D. Promotions

1. Does your agency have a trigger involving PWD among the qualified internal applicants and/or selectees for promotions to the senior grade levels?  (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for qualified internal applicants and the qualified applicant pool for selectees.)  For non-GS pay plans, please use the approximate senior grade levels.  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. SES

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Grade GS-15

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

c. Grade GS-14

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

d. Grade GS-13

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

2. Does your agency have a trigger involving PWTD among the qualified internal applicants and/or selectees for promotions to the senior grade levels?  (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for qualified internal applicants and the qualified applicant pool for selectees.)  For non-GS pay plans, please use the approximate senior grade levels.  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. SES

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PTWD)

Answer: No

b. Grade GS-15

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No

c. Grade GS-14

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PTWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No

d. Grade GS-13

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No


3. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWD among the new hires to the senior grade levels? For non-GS pay plans, please use the approximate senior grade levels. If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box. Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. New Hires to SES (PWD)

Answer: No

b. New Hires to GS-15 (PWD)

Answer: No

c. New Hires to GS-14 (PWD)

Answer: No

d. New Hires to GS-13 (PWD)

Answer: No


4. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWTD among the new hires to the senior grade levels?  For non-GS pay plans, please use the approximate senior grade levels.  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. New Hires to SES (PWTD)

Answer: No

b. New Hires to GS-15 (PWTD)

Answer: No

c. New Hires to GS-14 (PWTD)

Answer: No

d. New Hires to GS-13 (PWTD)

Answer: No


5. Does your agency have a trigger involving PWD among the qualified internal applicants and/or selectees for promotions to supervisory positions?  (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for qualified internal applicants and the qualified applicant pool for selectees.)  If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box.  Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Executives

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Managers

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

c. Supervisors

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No


6. Does your agency have a trigger involving PWTD among the qualified internal applicants and/or selectees for promotions to supervisory positions? (The appropriate benchmarks are the relevant applicant pool for qualified internal applicants and the qualified applicant pool for selectees.) If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box. Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. Executives

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Managers

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No

c. Supervisors

i. Qualified Internal Applicants (PWTD)

Answer: No

ii. Internal Selections (PWTD)

Answer: No


7. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWD among the selectees for new hires to supervisory positions? If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box. Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. New Hires for Executives (PWD)

Answer: No

b. New Hires for Managers (PWD)

Answer: No

c. New Hires for Supervisors (PWD)

Answer: No


8. Using the qualified applicant pool as the benchmark, does your agency have a trigger involving PWTD among the selectees for new hires to supervisory positions? If “yes”, describe the trigger(s) in the text box. Select “n/a” if the applicant data is not available for your agency, and describe your plan to provide the data in the text box.

a. New Hires for Executives (PWTD)

Answer: No

b. New Hires for Managers (PWTD)

Answer: No

c. New Hires for Supervisors (PWTD)

Answer: No


Section VI: Plan to Improve Retention of Persons with Disabilities

To be model employer for persons with disabilities, agencies must have policies and programs in place to retain employees with disabilities. In this section, agencies should: (1) analyze workforce separation data to identify barriers retaining employees with disabilities; (2) describe efforts to ensure accessibility of technology and facilities; and (3) provide information on the reasonable accommodation program and workplace assistance services.

A. Voluntary and Involuntary Separations

1. In this reporting period, did the agency convert all eligible Schedule A employees with a disability into the competitive service after two years of satisfactory service (5 C.F.R. § 213.3102(u)(6)(i))? If “no”, please explain why the agency did not convert all eligible Schedule A employees.

Answer: N/A


2. Using the inclusion rate as the benchmark, did the percentage of PWD among voluntary and involuntary separations exceed that of persons without disabilities? If “yes”, describe the trigger below.

a. Voluntary Separations (PWD)

Answer: No

b. Involuntary Separations (PWD)

Answer: No


Separations Total # Reportable Disabilities % Without Reportable Disabilities %
Permanent Workforce: Reduction in Force 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Removal 1 0.00 5.00
Permanent Workforce: Resignation 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Retirement 3 10.00 5.00
Permanent Workforce: Other Separations 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Total Separations 4 10.00 10.00
3. Using the inclusion rate as the benchmark, did the percentage of PWTD among voluntary and involuntary separations exceed that of persons without targeted disabilities? If “yes”, describe the trigger below.

a. Voluntary Separations (PWDT)

Answer: No

b. Involuntary Separations (PWDT)

Answer: No


Separations Total # Reportable Disabilities % Without Reportable Disabilities %
Permanent Workforce: Reduction in Force 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Removal 1 0.00 3.57
Permanent Workforce: Resignation 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Retirement 3 16.67 3.57
Permanent Workforce: Other Separations 0 0.00 0.00
Permanent Workforce: Total Separations 4 16.67 7.14
4. If a trigger exists involving the separation rate of PWD and/or PWTD, please explain why they left the agency using exit interview results and other data sources.


B. Accessibility of Technology and Facilities

Pursuant to 29 CFR §1614.203(d)(4), federal agencies are required to inform applicants and employees of their rights under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794(b), concerning the accessibility of agency technology, and the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 4151-4157), concerning the accessibility of agency facilities. In addition, agencies are required to inform individuals where to file complaints if other agencies are responsible for a violation.

1. Please provide the internet address on the agency’s public website for its notice explaining employees’ and applicants’ rights under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, including a description of how to file a complaint.

2. Please provide the internet address on the agency’s public website for its notice explaining employees’ and applicants’ rights under the Architectural Barriers Act, including a description of how to file a complaint.

3. Describe any programs, policies, or practices that the agency has undertaken, or plans on undertaking over the next fiscal year, designed to improve accessibility of agency facilities and/or technology.

The U.S. Access Board is committed to making its information and communication technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities access to electronic and information technology and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.  To meet this commitment, our web pages have been designed to meet or exceed the Section 508 standards and conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA.

C. Reasonable Accommodation Program

Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1614.203(d)(3), agencies must adopt, post on their public website, and make available to all job applicants and employees, reasonable accommodation procedures.

1. Please provide the average time frame for processing initial requests for reasonable accommodations during the reporting period. (Please do not include previously approved requests with repetitive accommodations, such as interpreting services.)

21 days

The Access Board ensure all reasonable accommodations requests and approved requests are processed timely. Managers and supervisor are provide training during the monthly leadership meetings.

D. Personal Assistance Services Allowing Employees to Participate in the Workplace

Pursuant to 29 CFR §1614.203(d)(5), federal agencies, as an aspect of affirmative action, are required to provide personal assistance services (PAS) to employees who need them because of a targeted disability, unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the agency.

Describe the effectiveness of the policies, procedures, or practices to implement the PAS requirement. Some examples of an effective program include timely processing requests for PAS, timely providing approved services, conducting training for managers and supervisors, and monitoring PAS requests for trends.

The Access Board processing requests for PAS, timely providing approved services, conducting training for managers and supervisors, and monitoring PAS requests for trends.

Section VII: EEO Complaint and Findings Data

A. EEO Complaint Data Involving Harassment

  1. During the last fiscal year, did a higher percentage of PWD file a formal EEO complaint alleging harassment, as compared to the governmentwide average?

    Answer: No

  2. During the last fiscal year, did any complaints alleging harassment based on disability status result in a finding of discrimination or a settlement agreement?

    Answer: No

  3. If the agency had one or more findings of discrimination alleging harassment based on disability status during the last fiscal year, please describe the corrective measures taken by the agency.


B. EEO Complaint Data Involving Reasonable Accommodation

  1. During the last fiscal year, did a higher percentage of PWD file a formal EEO complaint alleging failure to provide a reasonable accommodation, as compared to the government-wide average?

    Answer: No

  2. During the last fiscal year, did any complaints alleging failure to provide reasonable accommodation result in a finding of discrimination or a settlement agreement?

    Answer: No

  3. If the agency had one or more findings of discrimination involving the failure to provide a reasonable accommodation during the last fiscal year, please describe the corrective measures taken by the agency.


Section VIII: Identification and Removal of Barriers

Element D of MD-715 requires agencies to conduct a barrier analysis when a trigger suggests that a policy, procedure, or practice may be impeding the employment opportunities of a protected EEO group.

1. Has the agency identified any barriers (policies, procedures, and/or practices) that affect employment opportunities for PWD and/or PWTD?

Answer: No

2. Has the agency established a plan to correct the barrier(s) involving PWD and/or PWTD?

Answer: Yes

3. Identify each trigger and plan to remove the barrier(s), including the identified barrier(s), objective(s), responsible official(s), planned activities, and, where applicable, accomplishments

Source of the Trigger:

Workforce Data (if so identify the table)

Specific Workforce Data Table:

Workforce Data Table – B1

Statement of Condition that was a Trigger for a Potential Barrier:

Provide a brief narrative describing the condition at issue.

How was the condition recognized as a potential barrier?

A review of the Access Board’s workforce data revealed the Access Board is not meeting the PWTD gaok at the GS 1-10 grades. The Access Board only has 2 positions at the GS 1-10 grades. The Access Board will endeavor to fill these positions appropriately as they are vacated or create additional positions that meet PWTD criteria when additional needs for these types of positions are identified.

Statement of Barrier Groups:

Barrier Group:

People with Targeted Disabilities

Barrier Analysis Process Completed?:


Barrier(s) Identified?:


Statement of Identified Barrier:

Provide a succinct statement of the agency policy, procedure or practice that has been determined to be the barrier of the undesired condition.

Barrier Name

PWTD GS 1-10

Description of Policy, Procedure, or Practice


Objective(s) and Dates for EEO Plan

Date Initiated Target Date Sufficient Funding / Staffing? Date Modified Date Completed Objective Description
03/06/2024 01/15/2026 Yes     Increase PWTD in grade cluster GS 1-10.
          The Access Board only has 2 positions at the GS 1-10 grades. The Access Board will endeavor to fill these positions appropriately as they are vacated or create additional positions that meet PWTD criteria when additional needs for these types of positions are identified.

Responsible Official(s)

Title Name Standards Address The Plan?
Chief of Staff / EEO Director Drucilla Gordon Yes

Planned Activities Toward Completion of Objective

Target Date Planned Activities Sufficient Staffing & Funding? Modified Date Completion Date
01/15/2025 Connect with other small agencies and disability organizations. Yes    

Report of Accomplishments

Fiscal Year Accomplishment
4. Please explain the factor(s) that prevented the agency from timely completing any of the planned activities.

Multiple retirements, and changes in agency leadership.

5. For the planned activities that were completed, please describe the actual impact of those activities toward eliminating the barrier(s).

Planned activities are unknow at this time.

6. If the planned activities did not correct the trigger(s) and/or barrier(s), please describe how the agency intends to improve the plan for the next fiscal year.

The Access Board will endeavor to fill these positions appropriately as they are vacated or create additional positions that meet PWTD criteria when additional needs for these types of positions are identified.